Jasa Pelabuhan
PT Laut Mas
Agen Pengurusan Izin Pelabuhan Terpadu
PT Laut Mas is strategically set up in Indonesia (Batam and Jakarta) as a third-party clearing agent to handle companies’ port and customs formalities whether they are consignees or receivers of cargo.
You can trust our dedicated team of local specialists to be your one-stop booking and documentations hub for local and regional shipments so that you can focus fully on your core business activities.
PT Mega Maritim Batam (PT MMB)
Perusahaan Bongkar Muat Terkemuka di Batam Berdasarkan Tonase yang Ditangani
Untuk penanganan kargo yang aman, andal, cepat, dan hemat biaya di Batam, percayakan pada PT MMB.
Tim bongkar-muat kami memiliki banyak pengalaman dan keahlian selama 20 tahun, telah menangani lebih dari 120.000 TEU dan 100.000 ton kargo dengan berbagai macam tipe.
To address the ever-changing cargo and packaging landscape, we continually update our equipment, technology, processes and expertise. This means that we are ready at any time to customise vessel loading and unloading solutions that support your evolving business needs.
PT Permindo Ekspress Batam
Permindo: Spesialis dalam Izin Ekspor/Impor dan Perantara Bea Cukai, memproses lebih dari 2.000 dokumentasi dan izin bea cukai setiap bulannya
Custom regulations differ vastly from country to country. It can be tedious for a company to keep up with all the latest changes and time-consuming to properly complete the required paperwork for each territory. What’s more any errors can cause unforeseen delivery delays and additional costs.
Permindo can take the hassle from you and even expedite your import/export customs clearing process as your trusted intermediary with the Batam Customs Office.
Our meticulous and responsible team of licensed professionals are updated on latest customs regulations and will file all the necessary paperwork on your behalf. With our strong track record in processing over 2,000 custom documentations and permits every month, you can be assured that your shipments will meet all the stated rules and – most importantly – clear customs smoothly and quickly.
PT Cahaya Express
Jasa Sewa Peralatan Pengangkat Barang Terbesar di Batam
PT Cahaya Express terkenal di Batam sebagai penyedia jasa sewa untuk berbagai macam crane modern, reach stacker, dan forklift yang tersedia untuk perusahaan. Kami siap mendukung kebutuhan penanganan dan pengangkatan untuk perusahaan Anda, mulai dari kontainer kosong hingga kargo breakbulk bermuatan berat.
PT Cahaya Express berlokasi di PT Union Industrial Park, hanya 15 menit dari Pelabuhan Batu Ampar. Inventaris yang kami sewakan mencakup:
- 21 forklift
- 8 crane 150 ton
- 7 stacker kontainer Kalmar
- 7 x reach stacker Kalmar untuk kontainer kosong
- 1 x 200 tonne shore crane
Karena PT Cahaya Express memiliki armada sendiri dan tidak menyewa pihak ketiga, Anda dapat mengandalkan kami untuk solusi peralatan yang andal, fleksibel, dan hemat biaya setiap saat.